Prerequisite: Licensing and staff training according to the requirements of the Isernhagen Work System
Required material: FCE test materials (including moveable objects with defined weights)
Procedure: Hand arm use can be assessed with the following FCE tests:
1) Static pushing
2) Static pulling
The object with the maximum possible weight is chosen. The activity is maintained for 3 seconds, and each test is repeated 3 times.
3) Dynamic pushing
4) Dynamic pulling
The object with the maximum possible weight is chosen. The object is pushed (or pulled over a distance of 9 metres.
The therapist assesses the activity procedure according to the following criteria: The movement is (1) vigorous, coordinated and can be carried out to the full extent, (2) possible with the help of compensatory mechanisms, (3) not possible. For each activity the weight used as well as the respective assessment is noted (kg to one decimal point).